Adventure begins at your library!Join us for our 2024 Summer Reading Program! You're sure to be a happy camper at Spicewood Community Library. Registration OPEN NOW! The adventure will set sail on Saturdays from 10:30 to 12:00 at Spicewood Community library. You can look forward to story time, games, crafts, various special presenters and most of all FUN!! Participants will have the chance to win AMAZING prizes for each 30 min they read at home! You don't want to miss out these prizes- they're the best we've ever had!
Adventure begins at your library!
Join us for our 2024 Summer Reading Program! You're sure to be a happy camper at Spicewood Community Library. Registration OPEN NOW! The adventure will set sail on Saturdays from 10:30 to 12:00 at Spicewood Community library. You can look forward to story time, games, crafts, various special presenters and most of all FUN!! Participants will have the chance to win AMAZING prizes for each 30 min they read at home! You don't want to miss out these prizes- they're the best we've ever had!
June 2024 adventure calenderMark your calendar now and join us on the adventure!
Thank you to our 2024 Summer Reading Program sponsors